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It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to 大发彩票平台登录.
的政策, procedures and guidelines at Mullen are designed to educate, 促进, and contribute to the Five Core Lasallian Principles of our community. 作为电流, 即将到来的或未来的家庭, we encourage you to explore and become familiar with our Student Handbook, 出勤政策, 着装标准, 行为准则和其他政策. We encourage you to contact us should you have any questions.



  • 为什么马伦有一条裙子 & 出现代码?

    In keeping with the Lasallian Core Principle of Inclusive Community, we maintain a uniform 着装及仪容规范. Abiding by the Mullen uniform dress code offers each individual student a means to demonstrate their full participation in our school community. 符合规定的服装可通过以下途径购买 兰兹角, 教育大家, and the Mullen Outfitters store run by the Mullen 父母 Association.

    Failure to abide by the Mullen 衣服 and 出现代码 will result in consequences outlined in the 学生的行为 section of the 2021-2022 Handbook. 

  • 不同的着装要求是什么?



    • white, navy, gray, pale yellow or pale blue Mullen-branded polo
    • Mullen team or club 有领衬衫 in uniform standard as approved by OSCA.
    • 无袖衬衫
    • 廉价的衬衫
    • 吊带衫 
    • polo衫里面穿的连帽衫
    • 非马伦品牌的衬衫或外套

    • navy, gray or khaki-colored school uniform pants or shorts. 
    • Shorts should hang at or right above the knee (within 2 inches of the knee) when 学生 is standing.
    • navy, gray or khaki-colored school uniform pants or shorts with belt loops. Shorts should hang at or right above the knee (within 2 inches of the knee) when 学生 is standing. 
    • 运动裤,运动裤
    • 打底裤
    • 瑜伽裤子
    • 工装裤、短裤
    • 灯芯绒的裤子
    • 截止短裤

    • 运动裤,运动裤
    • 工装裤、短裤
    • 灯芯绒的裤子
    • 卷袖口短裤
    • 运动短裤
    P.E. 衣服
    • 短袖或长袖衬衫. 
    • activewear shorts should hang at or right above the knee (within 2 inches of the knee) when 学生 is standing. 
    • 运动服运动裤
    • 合适的运动鞋 

    • 不恰当的标志或广告(1).e. 酒精品牌)
    • 运动短裤 that are obscured entirely by oversized t-shirts.
    • 马伦牌夹克、卫衣或毛衣. 
    • Mullen-branded team or club jackets, 连帽衫, or sweater in uniform standard

    • 非马伦品牌的外套,不论颜色
    • 非马伦品牌的夹克
    • all footwear must be closed-toed or have a heel strap.

    • 人字拖
    • 拖鞋/拖鞋
    • body piercings - other than a small nose stud - and tattoos must be covered for the duration of the school day.
    • 头发必须是自然的颜色.
    • headwear and hats - including hoods (unless approved by the Office of 学生行为及出勤率)
    • hair at or longer than shoulder length must be worn up during the school day. 长头发一定要保养好.
    • 整洁的,整洁的胡子.
    • 除了小胡子以外的面部毛发


    • short or long-sleeved dresses or dress shirts with a high neckline
    • dresses should hang at or right above the knee (within 3 inches of the knee) when 学生 is standing. 
    • skirts which hang at or right above the knee (within 2 inches of the knee) when 学生 is standing. 
    • 穿休闲裤
    • 礼服鞋
    • 无袖或无肩带连衣裙
    • 牛仔布 
    • 凉鞋、拖鞋或运动鞋
    • 有领正装衬衫(可选择打领带)
    • 衣服裤子
    • 穿鞋配袜子
    • 牛仔布
    • 凉鞋、拖鞋或运动鞋 
    • 马伦t恤, 有领衬衫, 连帽衫, 长袖衬衫, 毛衣, 或者主题合适的衬衫
    • senior spirit overalls (with a short or long sleeved shirt worn underneath)
    • blue, gray, white, or black jeans, joggers or khaki pants
    • 有破洞、撕裂或破洞的牛仔裤
    • 运动裤
    • 不恰当的标志或广告(1).e. 酒精品牌)

    Failure to abide by the Mullen 衣服 and 出现代码 will result in consequences outlined in the Discipline section.
  • 什么是可以接受的服装体育课?


    • 短袖或长袖衬衫. 
    • activewear shorts (either 20” long or no shorter than 3” above the knee).
    • 运动服运动裤
    • 合适的运动鞋
    • 不恰当的标志或广告(1).e. 酒精品牌)
    • 运动短裤 that are obscured entirely by oversized t-shirts.
  • 那穿孔、纹身和头发呢?

    • body piercings and tattoos must be covered for the duration of the school day.
    • 头发必须是典型的人类颜色.
    • hats - including hoods (unless approved by the Office of 学生行为及出勤率)
    • hair at or longer than shoulder length must be worn up during the school day. 长头发一定要保养好 and appear professional.
    • 不允许留胡子



  • 我缺席时该通知谁?

    Your parent(s) or guardian(s) should notify the Secretary of 出席 (303.761.你缺席的消息 9:00 a.m. 在它发生的那天. Failure to do so will result in a call from the Secretary of 出席. A potential result of a student being out of class without a call from their parent/guardian would be the absence being marked as “unexcused” in each of 学生’s courses for the day.
  • 如果我迟到了怎么办?

    If you won't make it to school by the time the bell rings, please check in with the Secretary of 出席 for a tardy slip. Your parent or guardian will need to call and let us know why you're running late. If we don't hear from them, it'll count as an "unexcused tardy" and you'll have to serve detention.
  • 如果我需要早退怎么办?

    Your parent(s) or guardian(s) will need to call the Secretary of 出席 (303.761.1266) to give advance notice that you'll need to leave early.
  • 如果我要缺席一段时间怎么办?

    We really encourage parents/guardians to avoid scheduling family trips or vacations that would result in you, 学生, 没去上学. 然而, 如果你需要缺席4天或以上, please come collect an "Extended Absence" form from the Office of 学生行为及出勤率.
  • 什么是“过度”缺勤?

    OSCA will review the records of any student who misses an 个人班10次 或者是缺席的  总共50个班 (7天全日上课) 在某一学期.  Consequences for excessive absences may include attending a Parent-Assistant Principal conference and being placed on an 出席 Contract.  缺少一个 个人班级15次 could result in a student being withdrawn from the class.
  • 什么是逃学??

    • 到学校来,但不去上课
    • leave school without notifying the Secretary of 出席
    • 未经允许擅自离课
    • do not report to a location they asked for permission to report to.
    Truancy will result in immediate notification of 学生’s parent or guardian, and 学生 will be referred to the Dean of Student for further action.
  • 我可以虚拟上课吗(通过Zoom)?

    We will only be allowing virtual attendance if the school has called a distance learning day for inclement weather.
  • 我(终于)升大四了! 我能去校外吗?

    Yes, as long as you and your parent or guardian have completed the 电子许可表格. Please remember, though, that this is a privilege and not a right -- it can be taken away!

